This post was originally written for my brother-in-law. If you've stumbled upon it by accident, I hope you enjoy it. I also set him the challenge of first reading The Changing World Order by Ray Dalio. It's a great read on past, present and future global events in finance and I highly recommend reading it first. It’s available on audio book or a brief overview on Youtube here. All will become clear later. On a personal level, writing this post is therapy for me. Getting years of pent-up frustrations out on a blog post (my first ever) has been cathartic; painful at times but satisfying.
Disclaimer: This post is going to be extremely long, with hours of video, so you won't make it to the end in one sitting. Where I post a link or video I’d advise you to explore it fully otherwise you will miss important information. I’ll also post links for referencing purposes and to back-up any claim made. I'll be dealing predominantly with UK data, but the worldwide issue as a whole. For loading speed of the videos you’re best off on a laptop or PC.
This is your last chance. After this there is no turning back. You take the blue pill, the story ends. You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to. You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Remember, all I'm offering is the truth. Nothing more.
While the above quote is a work of pure fiction, it serves as a warning for what is to come. What is shown in the following post cannot be unseen and may change the way you view the world forever. It certainly has for me. For others, they will simply close their eyes, wish themselves back to sleep and proclaim it's not true, and that's OK too. Some people simply are not ready to be awakened to the inconvenient truths and the horrors our government and ruling elites are prepared to inflict upon us for financial gain.
So what is ‘the truth’, and what right do I have in telling it? The truth is defined by the Oxford English Dictionary as "a fact or belief that is accepted as true." In reality (and when absent from seeing events directly for yourself), the truth boils down to your perspective and where you seek your news sources. If you absorb news from the TV, the controllers of the TV channels effectively become your truth-teller. If your only source is the News at 10 on the BBC and a spot of Radio 4, then the BBC becomes your truth-teller (the elderly generally fall into this category). It goes without saying that once a news type or source becomes controlled, whether by censorship or narrative, the truth becomes whatever they tell you or allow you to hear, as long as enough people believe it. Imagine watching events unfold on the Russian war with Ukraine from a TV in Russia. Would your view be different from that of someone sitting in the UK or USA? As they say, ‘tell a lie often enough it becomes the truth.’.
*During writing this article, Twitter blocked links to Substack, the site that this article is being writting on. You’ll have to click the link below to see it unfortunatly.
When the printing press was invented circa 1515 it promoted the decentralization of gatekeeping knowledge and transferred power from the few to the many, as the vast number of books published made censorship and suppression difficult. Knowledge became power as revolutionary ideas and priceless ancient knowledge were placed in the hands of every literate European, instead of the few scholars and religious preachers that set the truth of the day. Similarly, today with the invention of email, the internet, and more importantly, social media, we are seeing a new renaissance and a power shift from the old ways to the new. While the owners of the MSM (mainstream media - which I regard as any news outlet that existed before the year 2000, such as TV, radio, and the printed newspaper) are quickly trying to control the narrative through censorship. As shown above self-publishing like this post are almost impossible to censor and suppress, there is simply too much of it. As they say, ‘the truth will always out.’.
I implore you to dig deeper with everything I say here and find as many other sources as you can to challenge my truth. A motto I now live my life by - "Don't trust, verify." Just bear in mind that the likes of Google, Bing, Youtube, and Facebook are heavily censored and controlled, and the MSM has been bought. More on that later. For now I'd recommend using for internet searches, for video content, and Twitter for social media content as these are not as heavily censored, if at all. Without these you will never find a new truth.
On a personal level, I feel that I have been awakened in the last 3 years to the real world around me. At times I've felt like I'm going mad, literally! Those around me have called me a "conspiracy theorist" and a "nutter." Maybe I am, who knows? It's also fair to say that I have read more and worked harder on trying to reveal these subjects than I did the whole time I studied at university. You may ask why. My main motivation for this has been the protection of my family, especially when it comes to the vaccines and their safety. My line in the sand was when they tried to pump my kids full of it, when the evidence clearly showed no benefit but lots of risk. I’m not a “covid denier” or an “antivaxxer”. I do believe there has been a SAR’s like virus (many don’t as it’s genome has never been mapped) and I do believe that some people have died from it.
The following text, links, and videos are nothing more than my observations over the last few years. Keep an open mind and don’t dismiss anything until you’ve looked into it further yourself. Unlike our own government and MSM, I’ll let you make up your own mind. What I expect is that you will realise you've been lied to or told half-truths your entire life. It’s not particularly surprising once you look at it from a different perspective. Who watches the news and then fact-checks it? Even if you did, you’re likely to find that the fact-checker is controlled by the same news outlet that told you their truth, thereby reinforcing it. A prime example of this is the Trusted News Initiative who during the pandemic, set up numerous fact-checking websites and is operated in partnership between the BBC and Reuters. Constantly referred to by their news channels, they effectively use their own fact-checking sites to confirm their news was correct and therefore truth you should believe. The purpose of this, in my opinion, is to keep you clueless and compliant while they take away your freedoms, increase control and build wealth. As usual, everything boils down to money and power. Those who have it always want more and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Having finished reading The Changing World Order by Ray Dalio, and with our current climate of war with Russia and high inflation attributed to a huge amount of money printing, you can clearly see we are coming to the end of one power cycle and moving into another, most likely between now and 2030, judging by the plans of the World Economic Forum - more on them later. Over the next decade and with the help of AI, I believe we will see the biggest change to mankind in our history. I don’t expect it to be for the better and the question is, can we stop it? But why does this matter and how does it relate to COVID? As you will come to see, it sets the basis for the larger view of where we are, where we are heading, and the reasons why. With the fall of the USA as the dominant world power and the US dollar losing its world reserves peg, a vacuum opens which will need to be filled when the time comes, most likely by the BRICS economies with China as the dominant power. Of course, the USA is unlikely to go down without a fight. In addition, does the vacuum get filled through the process of war or by treaty? Was this Pandemic in exchange for war? Let’s take a quick look at where were are as of 28th March 2023:
I've gone around and around in circles trying to think of the best way to convey multiple overlapping ideas without causing confusion. In the end, I decided to start from where I first began noticing irregularities in what we were being told by our governments and what the science/data said. After all, we were continually being told that they were "following the science." Unfortunately that science never existed, as we'll come to see.
The video below, first posted at the beginning of the pandemic and before any lockdown, serves as some light comedy after such a long introduction. I laughed when I first saw this and immediately thought he was a nutter. Three years later, and everything he said has come true.

COVID-19 - The devil is in the detail
The advantage I have in telling you these tales, and especially when it comes to COVID, is that I now have time and hindsight on my side. Many early theories in relation to COVID, its origins, how deadly it was and the wider story of power and control were tossed aside as conspiracies and quickly shut down, censored, and countered by mainstream media sources. As time has progressed, these theories became true, and new platforms opened to allow the sharing of these theories uncensored as they could no longer hold back the tide. Indeed, when MSM recently began backing up these "conspiracies" as true, albeit years after they occurred, the cat was well and truly out of the bag. More alarmingly, through freedom of information requests and the purchasing of Twitter by Elon Musk, the truth of the extend of the government’s sensorship of the media has been revealed and furthermore, the sheer lack of care for life that the people in power have for their fellow man. All of which I will walk you through. When we look back at who has benefited the most, it reveals many of the players pulling the strings and gives a glimpse of the dystopian hell we could be heading towards.
When the pandemic first broke out it's fair to say there was a lot of panic, in part due to the prediction models provided by SAGE (Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies) showing millions dead if we did not act quickly. We were told to "stay home" and "protect the NHS" and each other. We couldn't mix or contact in person, and schools and businesses were shut down. Modelling showed that this illness was serious and it was a killer. We must do as we were told. Supported by the government furlough scheme (which later led to killer inflation) for much of the nation this became one long holiday, albeit confined to their homes and gardens if they were lucky enough to have one. For others this led to domestic abuse, divorce and suicide, and of course everything in between. Luckily for me, I was one of the former. My business wasn't closed as it was regarded as an essential business, and as the owner, I was able to work from home. Looking back now, it was one of the happiest times of my life. I was surrounded by my wife and kids who I love dearly (special mention to my eldest who had already moved out - we missed you!). I was making money due to shortages caused by supply chain issues, and the sun was shining. Midnight walks with the kids for our daily exercise and finding ways to keep ourselves occupied without the usual pressure of the school run and endless appointments was amazing. Surely, a time I'll never see again in my lifetime? Having extra time on my hands, I started to follow the news updates (from the TV) avidly. When the government began showing graphs of infections and deaths, I started to follow along with information published by the ONS.
The ONS or Office for National Statistics (, is a UK government body whose "main responsibilities are collecting, analysing, and disseminating statistics about the UK's economy, society, and population." Throughout the pandemic, they posted deaths, case numbers, and hospitalizations in relation to COVID. In addition, when the Prime Minister and health officials stood at the dispatch box daily, delivering news to the country, the data they showed and referred to was supposedly directly from this government body. Weekly releases were made available to the public, and it was something I followed and analysed with vigour.
The first link I want to show you is a freedom of information request published by the ONS in January 2022, in relation to deaths from COVID from Feb 2020 (the start of the Pandemic) until Dec 2021 (a year after the vaccine rollout). Over these 2 years we were locked down, schools and businesses closed all because the world was on fire, and hundreds of thousands of people were dying in the UK of COVID - NO, this is simply not true, and I'll go on to prove this using their own data.
In total only 6183 people died of COVID. To put that in perspective, around 530,000 people sadly passed away in England and Wales in 2019, that equates to 1452 per day, so COVID deaths are the equivalent of just a few day’s worth of deaths or a 1.1% increase from 2019. Furthermore, if you take out all over 60 years of age, only 833 people died. Again to put that into perspective, 1,752 people died in a road traffic incident in 2019. Remember, these figures are collated and disseminated by the UK government. The original document on the ONS website can be found here:
Below is the average age of death from COVID for the year of 2020 compared to death which are non-COVID related. As you can see the average age of death from COVID is higher than the standard age of death. Statistically you are likely to live longer if you die from COVID than dying from some other cause.
Again, you can view the original document here. It’s a download and the info is on table 1 (second tab)
So why all the fuss? Why destroy the economy and how can the average age of death be higher in COVID deaths? Some explanation that you may temper your doubt with is that COVID only effects the old and that people above 79 years of age died in greater number, with virtually no deaths in the young. To some extent there is truth in this assumption, especially when you consider the high levels of deaths in care homes during the first wave, but in the next section of this post I’ll show you something far more sinister!
What was not explained at the time and what has come to light years later is just how a COVID death was registered and manipulated to create a fake narrative. What became apparent is that “died with COVID” and “died of COVID” were two very different things and yet counted as the same thing. It’s not surprising that NHS trusts would be given extra finance to deal with administering COVID patients but by offering a financial incentive to register admissions and deaths with COVID, what effect do you think that this had on case numbers and registered deaths?
Interestingly, this isn’t the first time this stunt has been pulled. The article below is from 2012, entitled: Hospitals bribed to put patients on pathway to death: Cash incentive for NHS trusts that meet targets on Liverpool Care Pathway
In addition, the way in which hospitals registered deaths changed in 2018, from doctors who had contact with the patient at time of deaths, to medical examiners who didn’t. Hospitals were then allowed to flip-flop between the two methods (
Add in the ridiculous ruling from the World Health Organisation (more on this organisation later) that all deaths, regardless of the cause must be registered as COVID, if they have tested positive at any time in the last 28 days before death, and the numbers get fudged even further. Go into hospital for any reason, catch COVID in hospital (it is infectious after all) and later die from your illness or injury - COVID death. Catch COVID and recover but later get shot dead or die in a car crash - COVID death. With the world under the command of the WHO’s instructions, this inflation phenomena was repeated around the world.
The table below from the NHS, shows all deaths with COVID for any reason up to 4pm on the 11th November 2021. It shows the number of people that have died with a pre-existing medical condition and those without. As you can see from 96,852 COVID deaths, only 4,281 did not have one or more pre-existing medical conditions, known as a “Comorbidity”. Some of the leading Comorbidities for COVID deaths were noted as Dementia, Diabetes, Chronic Kidney Disease and Chronic Pulmonary Disease. Most deaths included 3 or more comorbidities suggesting that people dying of COVID were already on deaths doorstep.
Original source now removed from the NHS website.
This was further backed up by evidence from other countries such as Italy.
At this point, I want you to remember that the deaths of people under the age of 60 are almost non-existent as this will play a crucial roll later when we examine the vaccine rollout by age cohort, examined by Professor Norman Fenton, Professor of Risk Information Management at Queen Mary University of London.
Just to quickly recap at this point, we now know that COVID does not kill the young and does not affect people without a pre-existing medical condition. So, ipso facto, to die from COVID in any great numbers you need to be old and already ill. As you might expect, this was the same throughout the world
99% of Those Who Died From Virus Had Other Illness, Italy Says - Bloomberg March 2020
So, let’s look at all registered COVID deaths, regardless of manipulation from the beginning of the Pandemic until March of 2023 (they have now stopped supplying COVID deaths). There were in total approximately 220,000 deaths registered with COVID on their deaths certificate. As you can see there are two major peaks in the data.
With the numbers being highly manipulated and as this time covers the vaccine rollout (which we will come to soon) how can we see the true effect that COVID has had?
Diving into the data deeper lets looks at the information released by the ONS on week 49 of 2020 (link below). I’ve chosen this date as it was the week before the vaccine rollout in December 2020. This data shows the deaths “involving” COVID and deaths “Due” to COVID in England and Wales. In total, the Government claim that 132,344 people died. So finally, we have the correct data and it shows that there really was a killer virus? It would be easy to assume this on the surface facts provided, but no. Although a similar figure is still quoted to this day, it’s fabricated, they know it, and I’ll show you why.
To fully understand the figures we have to look at how many people die each non pandemic year, for all causes (all-cause-mortality) and, compare that to the deaths for all causes in 2020. As shown in the table below:
What we now see is that from 2019 in a non-pandemic year, to the end of 2020, the year of the pandemic, there was an increase in deaths of only 77,161 people. Which is just over half of the official stated figures of people that died from COVID by the government. It’s definitely a significant increase from 2019 (14%) but comparing the death rate to earlier years and taking population increase into account, you’ll see that the death rate in 2020, a year with one of the worst pandemics in history, was comparable to the death rate in 2003. Further still, considering an ageing population (Age-standardised mortality rate) you then see that the deaths in 2020 were comparable to deaths in 2010 and better (less of them) than all years before 2010. Do you remember a worldwide health crisis in 2010? No, me either.
When we take the previous 5 year average of deaths and compare this to deaths from 2020, this gives us the “excess death” rate of 75,924 for 2020.
Incidentally, the all cause mortality rate in 2021, the year of the vaccine, was 586,334 deaths registered in England and Wales, which was a decrease of only 3.6% compared with 2020. This data alone does not support the assertion that the vaccines are effective! In fact, the exact opposite is true. Data being released in 2023 shows a correlation between vaccine uptake and excess death from around the world, and that excess deaths in the UK are 11% higher due to the vaccine.
“excess deaths or excess mortality is a measure of the increase in the number of deaths during a time period and/or in a certain group, as compared to the expected value or statistical trend during a reference period (typically of five years) or in a reference population.
I have a full section on excess deaths later so let’s leave the statistics for now.
So, were these 77,161 deaths all COVID deaths or could there be another reason for the increase in deaths in 2020? It’s a question that almost no one considered, this is where things first get spicy!
The Midazolam murders
What is Midazolam? Sold under the brand name Versed among others, is a benzodiazepine medication used for anaesthesia and procedural sedation. In the final stages of end-of-life care, midazolam is routinely used at low doses via subcutaneous injection to help with agitation, restlessness or anxiety in the last hours or days of life. Coupled with an opiate such as morphine, it is often used in palliative care to depress breathing therefore helping someone to pass over peacefully. Often referred to as a “Good death”. Warning labels that accompany this drug state: Midazolam injection may cause serious or life-threatening breathing problems such as shallow, slowed, or temporarily stopped breathing that may lead to permanent brain injury or death.
Midazolam is also one of the cocktail of drugs used in the USA for execution by lethal injection.
The short video below, is a devastating microcosm of emerging evidence that over 65’s in the UK were targeted for ‘a good death’ by lethal injections of Midazolam and Morphine, thereby creating the illusion that Britain was in the grip of a viral pandemic (the same procedure was performed through many western countries).
Over to Dr Mike Yeadon the Ex-Global Head for Respiratory Illnesses at Pfizer (click on the play button at the bottom left of the screen to watch the video and stay on this page)

WTF?? That’s some bold claim! Should you believe it? Teresa Tannahill has compiled a post on this and rather than copy it here, please take a look at it on the below link before continuing with this post. It’s nothing short of mind blowing.
The Full interview with Dr Mike Yeadon and Maajid Nawaz, which is a must watch, and can be viewed on the link below. Just bear in mind that it deals with vaccinations which is a subject we haven’t got to yet ( .
Remember, this drug causes breathing difficulties so administering it to a COVID patient with breathing difficulties would never be wise. The use of midazolam in care homes was the same procedure used for palliative care for those on end-of-life treatment such as hospice cancer sufferers. The difference here is that one can be recovered from (COVID) and one cannot be recovered from (incurable cancer for example). By applying this protocol in this way, with higher doses than normal, and by lowering the threshold for implementing the protocol from 9 (Terminally ill) to 6 (Moderately frail), greater numbers of deaths were seen than should have been, artificially inflating COVID numbers. 2 years supply of midazolam was used in just a few short months and is nothing short of criminal.
On a personal level, my grandmother (in-law) at an age or 103 caught COVID and survived. Luckily, she was not in a UK care home. Had she been, it’s likely she would have been tret in the same manor.
The link below is a harrowing video of first hand accounts from surviving relatives and how their loved ones were basically put to death. Unsurprisingly, legal cases and class action lawsuit on this have now been submitted.
There are multiple videos, posts and accounts on this subject that have not been included here, purely to reduce the time it takes to get through this post. and Twitter are a great place to search these out if you have the stomach for it. Why didn’t health care professions speak up? They did, resulting in the loss of their jobs. These same healthcare professionals turned to social media to tell their stories, only to have their videos removed as “COVID Misinformation and Disinformation”. As usual, the MSM barely spoke about it. The few references that I can find are below.
The following video is from a medical professional “whistle blower”. We’ll come across many of these in this post.

Alice Fuller, “Drug Scandal—Care homes accused of using powerful sedatives to make coronavirus victims die more quickly as use rocketed 100%”, The Sun, 12 July 2020
“Liverpool Care Pathway for the Dying Patient”, Wikipedia, Accessed 18 March 2023
Stephen Adams and Holly Bancroft, “Did care homes use powerful sedatives to speed Covid deaths? Number of prescriptions for the drug midazolam doubled during height of the pandemic”, Daily Mail, 12 July 2020
Alan Blinder, “When a Common Sedative Becomes an Execution Drug”, The New York Times, 13 March 2017
Liliana Segura, “Ohio’s Governor Stopped an Execution Over Fears It Would Feel Like Waterboarding—Confronted with mounting evidence that midazolam causes excruciating pain, a judge warned that Ohio’s lethal injection protocol was likely unconstitutional.” The Intercept, 12 February 2019
“Problems Arise As Ohio Tries New Execution Procedure”, Death Penalty Information Centre, 17th January 2014 (accessed 19th March 2023) Government guidelines on usage
NHS palliative care instruction. Look at the side effects on respiration -
Again, to quickly recap, the Government claimed deaths from COVID in 2020 were approximately 132,000 people. My figures show that this was actually around 75,000 people, going on death rates from previous years. Most of those effected were in old age and had 1 or more comorbidities, so already ill. Through the use of Midazolam, some of these 75,000 deaths were premature or forced early deaths. To what extent is debatable but looking at usage of the drug (shown in the daily mail article above), it’s a fair guess to say more than half. This means COVID was not a killer in the way it was portrait.
To date no one, such as Matt “Midazolam” Hancock, the health professionals that administered these drugs or the designers of these protocols have been held accountable.

Masks, Social Distancing and Testing.
It’s fair to say that I have read upwards of over 50+ medical journals, both peer reviewed and non-peer reviewed, over the course of COVID, many to do with the effectiveness of masks. Medical journals are often a difficult read, extremely long and in many cases so technical that they are difficult to understand without an expert to explain. In addition, funding sources very much dictates the results of the study unless done independently, which isn’t very often. As such I won’t include them in this post as I don’t expect you to read them (here is one just as an example: I will instead include video content from experts in their chosen field so that you can hear it from the horse’s mouth in a more palatable shorter format.
I’m not going to waste much time on the above subjects as there are many more important issues to discuss and mainly because the Government have already admitted that masks were put in place as a political move against Nicola Sturgeon and the 2m rule of social distancing was simply fabricated with no scientific finding behind it. Don’t forget that at the start of the Pandemic, our own health professional stated mask did not work. Dr Fauci likened them to “putting up a chain link fence to stop a mosquito”, and yet both governments later mandated them against their own advice. Effectively, the hole size in a mask is 80 times greater than the aerosol virus of COVID. In short, they never worked.
What masks and social distancing did achieve was to drive up the fear factor and divide us.

Remember this belter?

Don’t forget this blinder. If you’re in a pub or restaurant, you can’t catch COVID so no need for a mask

The following video is Dr Kary Mullis, a Ph.D biochemist who originally discovered the PCR testing technology and won a Nobel Prize for his endeavours. As he states, you can find any illness with a PCR test, even if it does not exist in the patient, simply by modifying the levels for detection. All of my children had COVID, confirmed by mandatory weekly testing, required to attend school, yet to look at them you would not have known. One of them was literally kart-wheeling around the house while off school. It certainly didn’t seem dangerous to them and we would not have known if it wasn’t for a test highlighting it.

If PCR testing was correctly identifying huge numbers of cases, rather than simply being a function of higher levels of testing, this would correlate with the huge numbers of patients in hospital.
NOTE: The two images below were originally links to Tweets from @DiegoHAWK666. During the course of writing this article, he had his account suspended for sharing these documents. If you go to Twitter and search “Freedom of information Requests” you will find many other like this. Just remember they are being censored as quickly as they are being published. Luckily, I’ve taken screenshots.
Don’t forget where masks and tests were produced.
It was obvious from the outset that locking down the country would have a devastating effect. It would have a huge impact on the economy, health and teaching of our children. People would die and the effects would be much longer lasting than the pandemic. The government always knew this.

In order to close people’s businesses and lock down the country, the government had to offer support through the furlough scheme. This allowed the Bank of England to print 40% of all Sterling (£) ever in existence, in the space of a year, totalling £600 billion. The same occurred in the US and other western countries. By doing this, they artificially created economic activity when there was none. Lockdowns were always about money printing. Thereby creating the largest transfer of wealth in history, from the poor to the rich. Years later, runaway inflation would cause the worst cost of living crisis in 50 years and will inevitably cause more deaths than the virus itself. The MSM obviously blamed this on the war with Russia and the masses gobbled it up as fact. Without the ability to print this money the western world would have already seen a financial crisis. COVID allowed this to be delayed, but it’s inevitable - do you see?
During the lockdowns of 2020, workers lost $3.7 trillion while billionaires gained $3.9 trillion. This was the largest upward transfer of wealth in world history. Follow. The. Money.
One western county stood apart, Sweden. They chose not to lock down or follow the policy of Europe. As such they have become a control group. Their excess death rate was non-existent and their economy has not been decimated. Leading to the question why did they not experience the pandemic?
(image from chriswaldburger.substack. com - Data:
Enough said, lets move on,
Alternative Treatments
Before we move onto vaccines, we need to consider what other, earlier treatments were available before the vaccines.
Several outspoken doctor voices opinions on this very early on but were swiftly discredited. The, then President Trump speaking about shooting lasers and injecting bleach around the same time clearly didn’t help their cause.
The first group formed the Great Barrington Declaration (, founded by 3 Doctors.
Dr. Martin Kulldorff, professor of medicine at Harvard University, a biostatistician, and epidemiologist with expertise in detecting and monitoring infectious disease outbreaks and vaccine safety evaluations.
Dr. Sunetra Gupta, professor at Oxford University, an epidemiologist with expertise in immunology, vaccine development, and mathematical modelling of infectious diseases.
Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, professor at Stanford University Medical School, a physician, epidemiologist, health economist, and public health policy expert focusing on infectious diseases and vulnerable populations.
Their thesis quickly summarized, was that only the old and infirm were at risk and lockdowns have devastating effects. As such the elderly should be shielded and the young should be free to continue as normal to gain natural infection and “Herd immunity”, remember that? Here’s an old video of Dr Fauci, the head of the NIH admitting that natural infection is better than a vaccine.

We were told throughout the Pandemic to ignore decades of knowledge about natural immunity and after the vaccines had been rolled out, that vaccines were far more effective and longer lasting than natural immunity. I know I said I wouldn’t include medical journals but I can’t help myself - in association with the BMJ (British Medical Journal) and Yale:
Conclusions This study demonstrated that natural immunity confers longer lasting and stronger protection against infection, symptomatic disease and hospitalization caused by the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2, compared to the BNT162b2 two-dose vaccine-induced immunity. - Posted August 25, 2021
In retrospect, they were 100% correct. The Great Barrington Declaration would go on to be signed by over 63,000 Medical practitioners & Public Health Scientists in the western world. Here’s the MSM calling them arrogant, fringe and right wing. This same tactic would be used multiple times throughout the pandemic to shut down highly decorated medical professional. Do you think a vaccine would have been rolled out on mass if we followed their advice?
Scientists Are Slamming The Great Barrington Declaration’s Call For “Herd Immunity” - Buzz feed Oct 2020
Climate Science Denial Network Behind Great Barrington - Byline Times October 2020
The Great Barrington Declaration: When Arrogance Leads to Recklessness - US World News Nov 2020
Herding People to Slaughter: The Dangerous Fringe Theory behind the Great Barrington Declaration - Union of Concerned Scientists Oct 2020
Great Barrington Declaration is not ‘scientific’ or ‘accurate’ - Channel 4 Oct 2020
Dr Fauci, the head of the National Institute of Health (NIH) and advisor to the president was later found through leaked emails to have stated:
'There needs to be a quick and devastating take down': Emails show how Fauci and head of NIH worked to discredit three experts who penned the Great Barrington Declaration -
The second group, who were treat even worse was called the “Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance”. This group of front line doctors included some of the most published ICU doctors in history. When COVID hit, they immediately started looking for early treatments using antivirals, as they would if a patient came into the ICU with the flu. These included basic drugs such as Vitamin C and Vitamin D which would later be banned from treatment of COVID. Other drugs that they found to be highly effective were Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine both in prevention (86%) and cure of COVID (96%).
For their efforts in trying to save lives, they had their social media accounts shut down, Zoom accounts closes, literature wiped from internet searches and in some cases, had their medical license revoked.
In desperation they turned to Joe Rogan, host of the Joe Rohan Experience podcast, to get their message to the world. Dr. Pierre Kory, one of the leading members of Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance, is an ICU and lung specialist who is an expert on the use of the drug ivermectin to treat COVID-19. Bret Weinstein is an evolutionary biologist, visiting fellow at Princeton. You can listen to their experience and evidence on the pod cast below (it’s free) just press the play button.
"By the way, 200 Congresspeople have been treated with Ivermectin for Covid. Google that. You can probably find that in Dr. Pierre Kory's Twitter page," Rogan said. "Before there were vaccines, this was a common off-label treatment for Covid. I do not know the motivation for demonizing this particular medication," he added. "But I would imagine some of it has to do with money because... this a generic drug now. The patent has run out... and it's worth like 30 cent per dose."
For having the audacity to host these and other prominent outspoken doctors, the MSM did a hit piece on him and tried to get him “cancelled” and pulled down. Unfortunately for MSM, such is the size of Joe’s podcast, that more people listen to his show than view the news at 6 on the BBC, for example. If you want to hear the real story about COVID from the medical professional involved, I suggest you listen to them. I’ve included a number of links to his shows at the bottom of the section. They are long but they’re also very interesting and insightful.
Incidentally, when Joe caught COVID, he used Ivermectin. Again, the media came out in force unsuccessfully. Here he is to explain:

Even the Queen was reported to have used Ivermectin when she was confirmed as having COVID in early 2021. The story was later retracted due to the usual fact checkers coming out.
Uttar Pradesh is a small northern region in India . It houses over 240 million inhabitants and is the most populated state in India, as well as the most populous country subdivision in the world. When COVID ravaged the area in 2021 and with a shortage of vaccines, the Indian government promoted the use of Ivermectin. Within 2 weeks, this poor, most highly populated area in the world, was declared COVID free. Following this Japan then followed suit. MSM said nothing.
Even with all of this information, Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, Vitamin C and D were all banned (depending on your country) for preventative or treatment of COVID. In most cases, this was due to “lack of evidence” or studies. Bear in mind that Ivermectin has been in use for humans for over 40 years and has been prescribed over 4 billion times. It has been stated as the most prescribed and effective drug worldwide through history, only second to penicillin and it’s likely that you have already taken it in your lifetime without even knowing as it is often contained in other pharmaceutical products. It’s safety profile is exceptional and it’s extremely quick and cheap to produce. One of the assertions made, which I believe is most likely, is that this drug is no longer under patent so there is no money to be made from it’s use.
So, what was used for early treatment before a vaccine became available, Remdesivir. Remdesivir, sold under the brand name Veklury, and licensed by the pharmaceutical company Gilead at $3,000 per dose. It is known to be highly toxic to the liver and causes respiratory failure. Why would this be prescribed for someone suffering from respiratory problems? - do you see what they are doing?
The most common adverse effects in people treated with Remdesivir were respiratory failure and blood biomarkers of organ impairment…….
Joe Rogan Post casts to visit when you have time (great to listen to in the car or when exercising)
Dr. Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH, is a board-certified cardiologist who has testified before committees of the US and Texas Senate regarding the treatment of COVID-19 and management of the ongoing pandemic.
Dr. Robert Malone is the inventor of the nine original mRNA vaccine patents, which were originally filed in 1989 (including both the idea of mRNA vaccines and the original proof of principle experiments) and RNA transfection. Dr. Malone, has close to 100 peer-reviewed publications which have been cited over 12,000 times
Maajid Nawaz is a former presenter of the LBC radio show (part of the Reuters news group). Who was later fired for revealing information on vaccine deaths with Professor Norman Fenton. This interview from LBC will be shown later when we look at the vaccine.
Dr. Michael Osterholm is an expert in infectious disease epidemiology, professor, and director of the Centre for Infectious Disease Research and Policy.
Andrew Huberman, PhD, is a neuroscientist and tenured professor at Stanford University’s School of Medicine.
Russell Brand is a comedian, actor, author, activist, and host of the podcast "Stay Free with Russell Brand."
Matt Taibbi is a journalist and author. He's also been the lead reporter on the Twitter Files, which come out on Twitter at @mtaibbi.
When the news came that vaccines would soon become available the world rejoiced at the news. We were all going to be saved from almost certain death and surely, this would bring an end of the suffering caused by this deadly virus?
As lockdowns eased and we were allowed to start mixing again, I began to mix with my wider family and friends. On meeting with my mother, Sister, and her partner for the first time, talk of the pandemic was naturally what we talked about. My sister told me this unbelievable story about how a secretive cabal was trying to reduce the world population by 95%. How the pandemic has been planned and you could read about this so called Agenda 21 which laid out the plan, and that the vaccines were going to contain “Nano bots” that could alter your DNA. She’d even gone to the extent of writing to the school of here child to ensure that at no point she was secretly vaccinated, warning her daughter that if they tried to, she should fight back to ensure it didn’t happen. My immediate reaction was to openly mock her, clearly the effects of lockdown had sent her entirely nuts! Turning to my mother for some sane conversation, we discussed the upcoming vaccines and the roll out. My Mother had worked for a large pharmaceutical company for most of her life. In the 80’s she worked in the labs, testing drugs. I recall as a child being told not to open post at certain times as bombs were being sent out to employees. I don’t advocate for testing drugs on animals. However, I am realistic enough to know that you can’t develop a drug without doing so. I also know as an asthmatic, that drugs can save lives and are a necessary evil in this respect. In her later years at the company, she operated as a pharmaceutical advisor. When things went wrong or someone had an adverse event to the companies products, she was one of the first points of contact. As such she was clearly very knowledgeable around topics that I had no clue about. Discussing the vaccines, she told me that she had concerns over the new model of vaccines known as the mRNA vaccines but the Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine was “spun up in eggs” which is the technique that had been used for the last 70 years. Who knew vaccines were grown in eggs? I certainly didn’t.
“The most common way that flu vaccines are made is using an egg-based manufacturing process that has been used for more than 70 years…….The egg-based production process begins with CDC or another laboratory partner in the WHO Global Influenza Surveillance and Response System providing private sector manufacturers with candidate vaccine viruses (CVVs) grown in chicken eggs per current FDA regulatory requirements. These CVVs are then injected into fertilized chicken eggs and incubated for several days to allow the viruses to replicate.
In order to grant an “Emergency Use Authorization” (EUA) for an untested pharmaceutical product, there must be no known alternative treatment. If there is an alternative treatment, then the proposed drug must go through a much longer testing process in order to be granted.
d. No Alternatives
For FDA to issue an EUA, there must be no adequate, approved, and available alternative to the candidate product for diagnosing, preventing, or treating the disease or condition. A potential alternative product may be considered “unavailable” if there are insufficient supplies of the approved alternative to fully meet the emergency need.
It was never about COVID or saving lives, it was always about vaccines. It was an intelligence test and most failed, including myself.
This is a huge topic and the one that I have researched the most. Before we look at all aspects of this, I want give you an insight into my own personal experience and vaccination status. I have had two doses of the Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine, once in February of 2021 and the second in May 2021. Thankfully, due to the prior talk with my mother I didn’t get the Pfizer shots. I did feel some ill effects on the second vaccine but these passed quickly and to my knowledge, at time of writing, I’ve received no permanent damage. Had I known what I know now, I would not have had any of the vaccines, a thought that many now share. As they say “hindsight’s a bitch”. Indeed, when the news first broke that vaccines would become available, I was quite adamant that I would not be having any, as I knew from the ONS data that COVID mainly effected the old and ill. When a phone call came out of the blue from the NHS, I put up no fight and accepted their offer to get vaccinated. Possibly the largest regret of my life and I’ve done plenty to regret before. I was offered the vaccine early due to being asthmatic and at the time I didn’t believe there was any reason why I should not have it. As many others believed, I thought I was doing my bit to stop the transmission of the virus and end the pandemic. It was 100% effective after all. As the vaccine roll out began, news of side effects started to leak out on social media, people were suffering heart attacks, strokes and blood clots in increasing numbers! On an evening out with some friends I’d not seen since the start of the pandemic, I spoke to a friend who’s a GP. I raised these concerns that I had heard and he confirmed that there was a notable increase in blood clots but that “as long as they were caught early” they could be dealt with easily. I remember being quite shocked at just how blasé he was about it but he was the health care professional (a very caring bloke) so who was I to argue. Similarly, when I attended my cousins wedding in the summer of 2021, I raised my concerns with my uncle around a fire side chat. He’s a bio-chemist, and while I still don’t know what that entails to this day, I again submitted to someone with greater knowledge. He reassured me that the increase in blood clots and heart issues were caused by COVID and not the vaccines. While I felt comforted by what he told me, we now know for certain that this was not the case. I’ll show you ONS data on this later when we examine excess deaths but here is one example, from a Freedom of information request. Note the 2021 year in comparison to 2020 and 2019.
So, what is a vaccine? At this point I’d usually look for the Oxford English definition, but the first point to note is that the definition of a vaccine has been changed 3 times during the pandemic. Weird, but only one example of some very mysterious events around controlling the narrative. If you have a dictionary at home printed before 2020 go and look at the definition of a vaccine. You’ll note that they’re worlds apart from what is now stated as a vaccine on Google. Ridiculously, in a digital world were any information and knowledge can be altered, or removed, at the flick of a switch, printed, paper books may be the only record we can come to reply on in the future. Don’t let them burn!
Of course, the usual fact checking sites quickly jumped on this to confirm that the definitions had changed but that this was completely normal and was often done. A spokesman from the CDC then stated:
“While there have been slight changes in wording over time to the definition of ‘vaccine’, those haven’t impacted the overall definition,” the statement read. "The previous definition could be interpreted to mean that vaccines were 100% effective, which has never been the case for any vaccine."
Then comes the convenient timing of the miracle vaccines. No vaccine for HIV after 40 years of research. No vaccine for CANCER after 100+ years of research. No vaccine for the common cold and even the flu vaccine is done at “best guess” for a number of reoccurring strains. In total, 4 different COVID vaccines from 4 different pharmaceutical companies, all using different methods, were discovered and progresses to clinical trials, all within a 4 week period of each other. Astonishing, what luck?
“In January 2020, Moderna announced development of an RNA vaccine, codenamed mRNA-1273. The United States government provided $2.5 billion in total funding for the Moderna COVID‑19 vaccine in March 2020, the phase I human trial of mRNA-1273 began in partnership with the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.”
Wait, WTF? The vaccines were being developed before the outbreak in the UK? That’s not what we were told? How is that even possible? The WHO were notified by China of a cluster of pneumonia cases on the 31st December 2019, this news wasn’t published until the 5th January 2020 and no alarm was raised to a larger issue until the latter stages of January / Beginning of February?
Would you be surprised to know that Moderna was developing this well before in 2019? How? What about the fact that COVID-19 was found to contain a gene sequence patented by this company three years before the pandemic.
Here is the Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel:

I’m unsure how anyone can square this circle without admitting that the virus was release from a lab, whether as a leak or intentional, and that big pharma had prior knowledge of the release of COVID. How did a patented gene sequence end up in the COVID-19 virus? Is it a “Conspiracy” as the MSM would have you believe? How? You’ve just heard it from the CEO of the company itself? The usual MSM fact checkers were again quick to counter one of these videos, stating it was “mischaracterized” and that he was talking about his companies capacity to produce vaccines, but mention nothing about how he knew a pandemic was coming in 2019? Freudian slip? Nor did they offer a conceivable explanation as to the genetic coding or code name of his vaccine highlighted in the quote above. Would you be surprised to know that our own, unelected prime minister, Rishi Sunak, was knee deep in this shit? Let’s take a step back and take a closer look at the main Pharmaceutical companies that operated in the UK. They are after all the hero’s that have offered up the lifesaving vaccines.
Moderna - this little known, secretive startup was founded in 2010. Between 2011 and 2017, Moderna raised $2 billion in venture capital (this is where the money from Rishi Sunak’s company was injected). In January 2016, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation committed to provide at least $20 million in grant funding to the company. In December 2018, Moderna became a public company via the largest initial public offering of a biotechnology company in history, raising $621 million by selling 27 million shares at $23 per share. When Moderna released news of a vaccine for COVID, their share price shot up to $486. Some 20 times (remember this number) the original value on floatation. Needless to say, this made the CEO, top executives, and its investors (Bill gates / Rishi Sunak) billionaires overnight. Rishi Sunak’s company is reported to have invested £1 billion in Moderna so at the height this investment was worth around £20 billion.
Here’s Carol Vorderman with more (I’m amazed this made it onto MSM but the tide is changing now that everyone has taken the vaccine)

Note from the above image how, Rishi Sunak, a stake holder in Moderna, has signed a 10 year commercial deal with Moderna, in December 2022 only 2 months before all COVID vaccines were withdrawn from use in the general population. At best this stinks of Government corruption but we’ll look at that later too.
Here’s more from the Wall street Journal and on the rise of this little known company -
AstraZeneca plc - is a British multinational pharmaceutical and biotechnology company with its headquarters at the Cambridge Biomedical Campus in Cambridge, England. The company was founded in 1999 through the merger of the Swedish Astra AB and the British Zeneca Group. Since the merger it has been among the world's largest pharmaceutical companies.
Below is a small list of some of the fines they have received:
$520 Million for Off-label Drug Marketing - AstraZeneca illegally marketed Seroquel for uses never approved by the FDA. Specifically, between January 2001 through December 2006, AstraZeneca promoted Seroquel to psychiatrists and other physicians for certain uses that were not approved by the FDA as safe and effective
$355 Million for Fraud - AstraZeneca Plc pleaded guilty to criminal conspiracy and agreed to pay $355 million to settle U.S. charges it colluded with doctors in cancer medical scheme.
$489 Million for Fraud - AstraZeneca was hit with a $489 million fine for paying bribes to doctors to use its drugs.
The list of fines seems endless and you can see more on this link:
Pfizer Inc - is the world's largest research-based pharmaceutical company based in America. The company was established in 1849 in New York by two German entrepreneurs. The company's largest products by sales are the Pfizer–BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine ($37 billion in 2022 revenues), Nirmatrelvir/ritonavir ($18 billion in 2022 revenues), Apixaban ($6 billion in 2022 revenues), a pneumococcal conjugate vaccine ($6 billion in 2022 revenues), and Palbociclib ($5 billion in 2022 revenues). In 2022, 42% of the company's revenues came from the United States, 8% came from Japan, and 50% came from other countries.
Let’s look at the fines on this bad boy. Forget millions, let’s talk Billions!
$2.3billion - Pfizer fine for false claims in one of the biggest fraud settlements in US history.
Again, this list of fines is endless but you get the point - financial gain usually comes first and as you’ll come to see, companies will often weigh up how much in fines they are likely to receive compared to the profit that they can make from breaking the law. If the latter is much higher, then to hell with the consequences. The list of crimes on the above link include:
healthcare-related offenses
government-contracting-related offenses
safety-related offenses
competition-related offenses
consumer-protection-related offenses
unapproved promotion of medical products
False Claims Act and related
drug or medical equipment safety violation
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
kickbacks and bribery

Do you believe that a rushed out vaccine, with complete immunity to prosecution from harms, was going to be fully tested in relation to “safe and effective”? Or do you think they would be happy to push anything out, to ensure that they took the largest market share of what was obviously going to be a gold mine? Everyone swallowed “Safe and effective” far too easily.
Which brings me to my next inconvenient truth. My business and work revolve around the productions of raw materials into a product which is then shipped around the world and distributed to customers. Through the pandemic I learnt first-hand just how difficult it was to continue to operate. Lead times went from weeks, to month, to years in some cases, as supply chains had completely broken down. Raw materials were in short supply stopping production. Container ships were almost non-existent and even if you could get a spot on a ship at 10 times the usual price, there was a worldwide container shortage as bottle necks appeared and almost everything stopped moving, including planes. Even if you could fix the other issues, the people required to do all of this work at each stage, including ship captains and pilots, were either not working, locked down or ill. Even communication, the most basis form of my job was becoming impossible. Remember the toilet roll shortages?
With the first phase 3 trial (human testing) beginning at the end of July 2020 and being published in early September of 2020, and with the first jab going into someone’s arm on the 26th December 2020 (this guys dead by the way), means that production had somewhere in the region of 3 months to, source raw materials in huge quantities, ship them to the correct location, mix and bottle the vaccines, label and package the vaccines, and do this in enough quantity to produce millions of vaccines (and in less than 6 months to produce billions). How long do you think it takes to produce 1 billion glass vials under sterile conditions, let alone everything else? What about the incubation time to spin up a vaccine like the AstraZeneca? We know from above that that take around a week alone.
"To count to 1 Billion will take over 100 years" What? 25 seconds to count to 100, but 100 Years to count to a Billion. Amazing!
We were also told that extra manufacturing facilities would be built to speed up this process. Do you think you can build pharmaceutical grade manufacturing facilities in weeks with material and labour shortages? Groundworks such as water, drainage and electric for something like this would take months on it’s own.
Now you may state that the Nightingale hospital was built in 9 days but that’s not true either. The London's ExCeL exhibition centre was simply converted into the temporary NHS Nightingale hospital, with 4,000 beds. Opened on the 3rd April, less than a month after lockdown, were did they find 4000 medical grade beds (all matching by the way) and everything to go along with it, when the NHS has had a bed shortage for years? Very peculiar.
I’m not saying that any of this is impossible. What I’m suggesting is that it’s improbable and to pull any of this off, it had to be done at an earlier date than we were led to believe.
Let’s move on. The vaccine has rolled out and we’re now heading into 2021. It began with the “Safe and effective” mantra:
Dr Hilary was a very outspoken advocate for the vaccine, being rolled out onto our screen as often as possible. Safe and effective and 100% effective at stopping the spread and hospitalisation. We now know that this was a complete lie.

Not one blood clot you say? We’ll come to that in a moment. We were parroted with the same line across multiple channels by multiple “TV Doctors”. Yet more lies from MSN.

Rather shockingly, Dr Hillary, a medical physician tells the nation to ignore any information on potential deadly side effects associated with the vaccine as it may put people off taking the vaccine. This hardly supports informed consent and in any other medical role he would be stripped of his licence. It happened to many others for much less. If you were vaccinated, do you remember seeing the huge A1 sheet of side effects? No, me neither. Even if you had, the instructions sheet was completely blank. Just a huge sheet of white paper. At no point have I ever been spoken to by a medical professional, in relation to potential side effects, but clearly they exist. How is this informed consent?

Obviously, the same play book was used around the world.
Once a large portion of the population has been vaccinated, the governments began to turn the screw and ramp up “project fear” through the military unit called the 77th Brigade and the UK governments Behavioural science Insight Team, aptly named the “nudge unit” or SPY-B. The unvaccinated or “Anti-vaxxers” became enemy number 1. These last 10% of the country that were holding out against the vaccine, were a danger to us all. In reality, the amount of unvaccinated were closer to 30% by the end of 2021, but had this been known, it would have exposed just how ineffective the vaccine was as this number would correlate with the number of unvaccinated in hospital. Remember, the ONS data showed only a 3.6% drop in deaths from the year before.
'We inadvertently sanctioned state propaganda' - “Shaming and scapegoating have emboldened some people to harass those unable or unwilling to wear a face covering. More disturbingly, the inflated fear levels will have significantly contributed to the many thousands of excess non-Covid deaths that have occurred in people’s homes, the strategically-increased anxieties discouraging many from seeking help for other illnesses.”

The 77th Brigade also tracked politicians social media and closed down any dissenters against the vaccine. MP David Davis was one of a number of MP’s that were shadow banned.

Make no mistake, free speech is under attack. Through coercion and propaganda, the Government and stakeholders of the vaccine, successfully convinced the vaccinated that the unvaccinated were a danger to them. Think about that. Someone who is vaccinated should be protected 100% from catching COVID due to the so called effective jab? What would happen if a vaccinated person caught it? They’re protected? The virus stops with them, doesn’t it?

Unsurprisingly, this isn’t their first rodeo and these behavioural science teams have been in use for many years. They’re currently being used on you now in relation to climate change. Of course, the BBC have to put a positive spin on state sanctioned propaganda - - do you see it yet?

Remember Sage creating the ridiculous model for deaths which lead to the lockdown in the first place? Susan Michie was one of the team responsible for this and wants us locked down “forever”. She’s now moving to the W.H.O to perform the same behavioural science for what is coming in the future, yes more climate change “nudging”.

Usually the carrot comes before the stick.
The MSM even went to the extent of using “crisis actors” to raise fear levels and frighten you into getting vaccinated.

Jamie Jenkins is a statistician and the former head of health at the ONS. He’s been vocal throughout the pandemic at calling out anyone fabricating statistics. Needless to say, he’s been very busy, here are just a few.

Why were people not counted as vaccinated until after 14 days of having the vaccine? The MSM would have you believe that the vaccine does not cover you from the virus until this point, but immunology shows that the body starts producing antibodies within 24 hours of receiving a vaccine. Could there be another reason? Here is recent data from the VERS reporting system (the USA equivalent of the Yellow card system in the UK)

Clearly, you are most likely to suffer an adverse event, including death, within the first 48 hours of receiving a vaccine, should you be unlucky enough to perish, your death would be counted as an “unvaccinated death”. Interestingly, if you were rushed to hospital from a sever adverse reaction to the vaccine and end up in the ICU, you would be quoted as an “unvaccinated person” taking up an ICU bed.
As the rollout continued across different age groups (cohorts), more and more vaccine injured came forward, or in the case of death, their relatives. Again, on an anecdotal note, in my area, a child at a local school suffered a heart attack during lesson and at my own child’s school a friend was rushed to hospital with blood clots, both within 48 hours of their vaccine. What happened to safe and effective? One of the radio news shows I used to listened was LBC. The interview below, has stuck with me the most out of all the information I have digested. It was between the host Majid Mawaz and Professor Norman Fenton. Emeritus Professor of Risk, at Queen Mary University of London. What he states is astonishing and proved the vaccine was causing death. With each age cohort, statistics showed that as the vaccine rolled out through the age groups, there was a spike in deaths in the unvaccinated, at the same time as the age group was vaccinated. The week after the interview aired, Majid was fired from LBC and Professor Fenton had the usual MSM hit taken out on him. Listen to it here. When this happened, I stopped listening to LBC and later found out it was owned by the MSM conglomerate Reuters.

So, we’re now into late 2021, the majority of the population has had at least 1 dose of the vaccine and the MSM finally admit that the vaccine is not 100% effective at stopping infection or transmission and that some side effects do occur but that they are “Rare”, but what does rare really mean? The NHS state that anything within the range of 1 in 100 and 1 in 800, is classes as rare. If you had known this number range was your risk profile of receiving a severe adverse reaction to the vaccine, including permanent disability and death, would you have agreed to the vaccine?
What if I told you that both the vaccine manufacturers and the government knew that the vaccines were dangerous before most of the population was vaccinated? The following link shows a study by Pfizer to 28th February 2021, so before most of the population had received their first vaccine and just over 2 months after the start of the vaccine roll out. In total there are 9 pages of different adverse reactions and it shows that of the 42,086 adverse events, 1,223 cases were fatal. That’s 2.9% of all adverse reactions, resulted in death! Why wasn’t the roll out stopped or at least paused at this point? Pfizer tried to bury this report, going as far as asking a judge to seal the evidence for 75 years. Nothing says “trust the science” more than ‘you can’t see the evidence for 75 years’. Luckily the Judge did not side with Pfizer.
To fully understand the report, here is Dr John Campbell to talk you through the document. He shot to fame through the pandemic for being able to carefully side step censorship of the MSM. He did this by reviewing government documents, without adding his own opinions or outlandish claims. While he still had some videos removed most survived.
Alarmingly, the report shows evidence of adverse events on pregnant women (contrary to popular belief, men can’t have babies) including “spontaneous abortion” and “stillbirth”. Yet the MSM continued with the mantra that COVID was the cause and not the vaccine, that the vaccine was safe for pregnant women and even helped to lower stillbirth by 15%. Obviously, the data didn’t agree.
More and more women were reporting in greater numbers that the vaccine was tampering with menstrual cycles. The MSM confirmed that this was happening but that you recovered quickly with no other side effects. The NHS initially did not recommend pregnant women get vaccinated as there had been no long term study, then to my knowledge without any long term study being performed, they changed their advice to pregnant women should get vaccinated. By 2022, the NHS quietly reversed their advice to pregnant women should not get vaccinated and finally after the vaccines were withdrawn from the market in 2023, their advice is now, they should get vaccinated.
All very confusing but you’re now lucky if you can get pregnant after vaccination. We’re now seeing data that shows fertility is falling off a cliff.
There is no association of the fertility trends with changes in unemployment, infection rates, or COVID-19 deaths. However, there is a strong association between the onset of vaccination programmes and the fertility decline nine months after of this onset. The fertility decline in the first months of 2022 in Germany and Sweden is remarkable.
Incidentally, the NHS has now changed their message for the COVID vaccine from “safe and effective” to “safe and important”. To think that the government tried to mandate this on the public.
So, Pfizer and the government knew that the vaccine was certainly not “safe” but at least it was effective in stopping some transmission, otherwise what was the point in any of this? Lets hear from Rob Roos, a Dutch MEP, talking during a COVID hearing with a Pfizer director:

Seriously? You can’t make this shit up. So Pfizer knew that their vaccine was dangerous and deadly, they knew the vaccine had not been tested for transmission before being released onto the world population, so how did anyone know that the vaccine was 100% effective at the start of the pandemic and what else did they know? What follows are a number of “must watch” undercover video by Project Veritas with multiple Directors and scientists from the Pfizer organisation. What they say is nothing short of astonishing and includes knowing that;
natural immunity has always been better than their vaccine,
that the vaccine caused heart problems,
they knew their vaccine caused problems with fertility,
their vaccine was produced using foetal matter (dead baby - Nice!),
they were conducting “gain of function research” in order to produce a vaccine in advance of an outbreak.

So, let’s take a look at that revolving door that the Pfizer Director talks about in the last video. If you want a conspiracy, this is where and how it can happen. The NIH lead by Dr Fauci creates the policy, the FDA takes that policy and provides oversight, giving the green light for pharmaceutical product use, in return big pharma then pays money back to the NIH and let’s throw in some MSM for good measure. As long as these practices are allowed to continue, we as a species will always be manipulated for power and money. This isn’t just a USA issue, it happens in the same way in the UK and is even apparent on a worldwide stage with the W.H.O which we will examine later. If you look at the wealth of the individuals involved, you’ll see that they are substantially richer now than before the pandemic - FOLLOW THE MONEY.

It can only be described as corruption at the highest levels. To add insult to injury (literally), Pfizer used some of the obscene profits, to buy Arena pharmaceuticals in 2021 for $6.7 billion, a heart medication company to supply pharmaceutical products to counter act the heart inflammation issues caused by the vaccine, such as Myocarditis and Pericarditis. Do you see it yet?
Of course, the MSM blamed everything except the vaccine for the increase in heart attacks. Clearly the evidence showed that the increase only came after the vaccine rollout and not in 2020, the increase was seen predominantly in the young and healthy and effected women of child bearing age worst.
“By the second year of the pandemic, the “observed” compared to “predicted” rates of heart attack death had increased by 29.9% for adults ages 25-44, by 19.6% for adults ages 45-64, and by 13.7% for adults age 65 and older.”
So, the government knew, Big pharma knew and MSM were involved but at least the medical professional that I would put my life in the hands of, they didn’t know. They didn’t know did they? Bollocks…..

#DiedSuddenly began to trending on social media as more and more people came forward reporting death. The leading causes were Myocarditis, Pericarditis (heart attack) and Blood clots (Stroke). If all of this was true, there would be signs surely? What about after death? Autopsies would surely prove this? The undertakers dealing with the dead would know this for sure too? The next video is graphic but important to highlight.
How many times have you seen someone suffer a heart attack of stroke live on TV? The first time for me was in the middle of the world cup in 2021. Incidentally, since the roll out of the vaccine, young healthy sports stars have been dropping down in record numbers. These deaths can not be people suffering from COVID as the MSM would have you believe, they wouldn’t be allowed on the pitch! Then there’s this *TRIGGER WARNING* - people dying.
Cardiac arrest in European sports leagues before the mRNA vaccine rollout totalled an average of 29 per year. After the vaccine roll out this rose to 1,500 in ONE year, with 2/3rds of them being fatal.
Ironically, the same news presenters telling us that the vaccine was safe and effective, were dropping like flies in record numbers, live on TV too.
If you search for “Died suddenly” on Youtube, you won’t find the documentary. Numerous people have tried to post it and each time its censored. Try it for yourself. It’s now widely accepted that vaccines cause blood clots and heart attacks. The AstraZeneca Vaccine was quietly removed from the market entirely in early 2022 due to these reasons and the mainstream media is now reporting on it, again, albeit 2 years too late. Just another conspiracy that has come true. What was once Vaccine disinformation is now just truth. So, what was / is causing these issues?
We know from the previous Pfizer document about all of the side effects so lets look at this new technology. mRNA technology is actually not new and was first developed in 1989 by Dr. Robert Malone, that we heard from earlier on the Joe Rogan podcast. It was developed along with CRISPR technology for the use of gene editing to change your DNA, for treatment against deadly and hereditary illnesses.
The first human trial using mRNA in a vaccine was not done until 2013 and even then the study was small. The delivery system used for these new vaccines was not given FDA approval until 2018, so just over a year later and with no large-scale studies or long-term research into it’s effects, our Governments allowed the release onto the public on mass, which seems both reckless and astonishing in equal measure, to phrase it mildly. I’m certainly not a scientist by any stretch so even though I have read much around this topic, I won’t try to explain it all here but I have heard multiple times that it is not a vaccine but a “gene therapy”. Here are some examples of this:

Here is the CEO of Pfizer and the W.E.F to explain more about his own vaccine:

Lippo nano particles you say? Changes to DNA you say? My sister wasn’t far off the mark after all? When many of the public started to voice their concerns on this, the MSM were quick to counter any suggestion of gene therapy or editing and we were told that the so called vaccine stayed at the injection site and did not travel around the body to different organs. For the vaccine to be considered as gene therapy it had to cross the “blood brain barrier” and it would need to “leave the injection site” to travel around the body into different organs, and this certainly didn’t happen, did it? Have we all been part of a huge experiment? Here’s another Pfizer release and Dr Jon Campbell to explain (again):

Incidentally, the first gene editing drug, Patisiran, was first approved by the FDA in August 2018 for rare fatal disease, and the first use of Lipid Nano particles, the delivery system for gene editing, was also approved by the FDA in 2018. Little over a year later, billions of doses using these technologies would be released onto the world
Excess deaths Post vaccine
So, let’s have a quick recap of the total number of deaths from 2019 through to 2022. While we were given death rates on an almost daily basis, the ONS have still to release their official total for 2022 and we’re now into April 2023, strange. However, this can be counted from the weekly data releases from the ONS and an estimate for the last 2 weeks of December 2022.
Year Total Deaths
2019 530,841 (No pandemic)
2020 608,002 (Pandemic)
2021 586,334 (Vaccine rollout)
2022 580,000 (last 2 weeks of December estimated)
If the vaccines had worked as we were constantly told, the all-cause-mortality rate would have fallen substantially. Instead, the excess death rate for both 2021 and 2022 were highly elevated from 2019 and not much lower than 2020 when there was no vaccine. In addition, 2 years after the vaccine roll out, excess deaths in the first few months of 2023 have exploded. In reality, your risk from the vaccine was higher than your risk from COVID. Especially if you were young and fit.

Again, the MSM was happy to confirm that excess deaths in 2022 were the worst in 50 years, but it was definitely not the vaccine.
The government were quick to come out and repeat the same dogma. Stating that the increase in deaths was due to the “Cost of living crisis” and the strikes of the NHS nurses and as usual the general public gobbled it up without a second though. While there is likely to be a small amount of truth in this statement, it is important to consider that, the cost of living crisis was wholly created by the government and BOE from their excessive money printing and that the NHS strikes came much later in the year (December 2022). In addition, the NHS was virtually closed for business in 2020 so their assertions are simply a smoke screen for the real issue. Moreover, data from around the world didn’t support this hypothesis, as many other countries did not have a healthcare crisis or a cost of living squeeze, but they were still seeing record excess deaths. Obviously the MSM was mystified, it DEFINTELY WAS NOT THE VACCINE!
The Pfizer trial exhibited a 36 % higher risk of serious adverse events in the vaccine group
Medical journal -
A study released in March 2023 from Norway looked at 31 EU member states and was able to confirm that the increase in excess mortality is directly linked to the number of vaccines a country has. For every 1% of the population vaccinated, the rate of mortality increases 0.1%. That’s higher than the risk of death from COVID. In the UK, we are supposed to be around 90% vaccinated with at least one dose. This would equate to a 9% increase in excess deaths but in reality the UK has excess deaths above 12%, which is huge. Here’s John to explain again.
This was further backed up by a study that came out of Germany from a research paper by Christof Kuhbandner (a psychologist at Regensburg) and Matthias Reitzner (a statistician at Osnabrück).
Further research papers have come out of Israel, the most heavily vaccinated country in the world, who now have the highest number of excess deaths in the world. Similarly, Australia and New Zealand with a small population, spread out, barely touched by COVID, had high vaccination rates due to draconian mandates, and are now seeing their highest death rates in almost 100 years. What a mystery? Don’t look at the elephant.
In effect, the government sanctioned the killing of the young and fit for personal monetary gain. We’ll look at government corruption in part 2.
This was further backed up by data from the US army, where the vaccine was mandated as part of the contract to serve and the populus was young and fit.

One industry effected by deaths and that had a financial incentive to investigate vaccine effectiveness and harms, was the insurance industry.

So how many deaths can be attributed to the vaccine rollout? Working on the study released out of Norway, we should see a 9% increase. Taking the deaths from 2019 as a base level, we have 530,000. 9% of this figure is 47,700 and a total of 577,700 which is eerily close to the total expected number for 2022 at the start of this section.
Professor Norman Fenton estimates:
‘This would mean deaths caused directly or indirectly by the vaccines account for about half the excess deaths in the UK since Jan 2021’
We’ve not even mentioned the number of people left disabled, which is far higher than excess deaths and accelerating at an alarming pace. What about the economic cost? Ed Dowd, a head at Blackrock, the world’s largest asset management firm with over $10 TRILLION under management estimates this as (US only):

So we’re now in full “Back track season” - all those pushing for the vaccine are now turning tail and claiming they never said what they said, or that the “science has changed”. Remember that 20x return on the Moderna shares? Bill was quite happy to admit that the vaccines never worked after he dumped his shares - Hypocrisy and corruption at its finest.
Whilst the above doesn’t even scratch the surface of available information, I think it’s fair to say, there is overwhelming evidence that the vaccines have caused untold harms and that we have all been lied to, many, many times, by the MSM, our governments and unelected billionaires, who have a financial interest in getting as many vaccines into as many people, at any cost. If anyone is still getting vaccinated, they are either blind to the evidence or have a death wish.
Before I wrap up this post, there are two quick sections I want to cover.
War Games
Defined as:
a simulated military conflict carried out as a game, leisure activity, or exercise in personal development.
engage in (a campaign or course of action) using the strategies of a war game.
"there seemed to be no point war-gaming an election 15 months away"
Obviously, war games do not have to be in relation to a military conflict and they are carried out by many individuals, corporations and governments for multiple purposes around the world.
In 2019 before any signs of a Pandemic, Johns Hopkins Centre for Health Security, the Bill and Melinda gates foundation and the World Economic Forum (WEF) ran a war game on the outbreak of a worldwide influenza pandemic. The event was entitled Event 201. Remember the crazy story my sister told me? Needless to say, I have since apologised to her!
The opening page of the website states:
"Event 201 simulates an outbreak of a novel zoonotic coronavirus transmitted from bats to pigs to people that eventually becomes efficiently transmissible from person to person, leading to a severe pandemic. The pathogen and the disease it causes are modelled largely on SARS, but it is more transmissible in the community setting by people with mild symptoms."
The accuracy of their game when compared to the COVID -19 pandemic is alarming to say the least and it could be argued that this war game became the blueprint of how the COVID pandemic was run, including shutting down dissenters on social media and global businesses working hand in hand with governments.
Governments and the private sector should assign a greater priority to developing methods to combat mis- and disinformation prior to the next pandemic response. Governments will need to partner with traditional and social media companies to research and develop nimble approaches to countering misinformation.
Also important to note is that the W.H.O's largest funder is the Bill and Melinda gates foundation, who in turn made huge sums of profit from the Pandemic. It was the WHO that stated all countries must count COVID deaths as anyone that tested positive within 28 days of death, thereby inflating the real death toll and creating panic. Bill Gates has since boasted on numerous occasions of making over 20X (billions) from his vaccine investments, made before the pandemic (Similar to Rishi Sunak).
Explore the website fully but definitely watch the first video (Highlights Reel) below.
Original Source -
As if this was not alarming enough, during the COVID pandemic when we were all locked down, further war games were performed.
In 2021 a war game was played out on an outbreak of Monkeypox. You can read the full document here
In the imaginary scenario:
"occurring on June 5, 2022, in scenario time, starts with an unusual outbreak of monkeypox in Brinia (population 250 million), with reports of 1,421 cases and four fatalities. There is no immediate evidence of international spread, but the outbreak takes place during a national holiday "
The place of Brinia is of course fictional but fast forward to 2022 and we in Britain witness the outbreak of a human transmissible monkeypox virus. First reported after the May bank holiday weekend. Again, this was run as a war game in advance and openly available to the public beforehand. Again if you look at who benefitted you see the same people, mainly the vaccine manufacturers and yes, Bill gates.
There are further war games which have been run including the loss of food productions which we are seeing in huge numbers over the last two years. In addition, the Bill gates foundation has been buying up land in the USA to become one of the largest private landowner in the United states. He started buying farm land en masse over the last 3 years. At the same time you will be aware that Dutch farmers are having land seized and shut down (The Dutch Government has tried to close 3000 farms under the guise of climate change). Even in the UK the government is buying farms and shutting them down. This all feeds into the net zero initiative to move us away from consuming meat, eggs and dairy but that's a rabbit hole for later in part 2 of the article.
A new war game has been completed at the end of 2022 for the next global pandemic. Stated for the year 2024/2025. This new pandemic will again be a respiratory virus but this time it won't kill the old, it will kill the young! For now, this definitely has to be regarded as just a war game and nothing else but we shall see, mark your calendar for 2025.
You can see a review of it on this link:
And the original site where this comes from is here (yet again the same players - Bill gates)
At the centre of all of this is two NGO’s (non-government-organisations), the W.E.F and the W.H.O, who are largely funded by the Bill and Melinda gates foundation. Think about that. Unelected and undemocratic, billionaires are dictating worldwide policy for the benefit of themselves. What could possibly go wrong? We’ll look at these “shit Bond villains”, later in Part 2
Most don’t know, but much of this has happened before without the same success. Swine flu in 2009. It failed because person to person transmission was not strong enough to spread quickly, it lacked the human cleavage site. Check out the full thread of 21 video’s on the tweet below:

I’ll just leave these here (from October 2019):

We’ll look into this more in part 2.
Covid Origins
It wouldn’t be right to finish this post without looking at the original origins of COVID. It can also be said that this was the original “conspiracy theory” when talking about COVID. If you dared to suggest that this could have been anything other than natural, you were clearly unhinged. We were told that this disease was found in bats and through a wet market in Wuhan, the virus passed from a bat to a pangolin (reported in 2023 as a racoon dog) which then infected a Human from them eating a bat? Sounds legit.
It has always mystified me why people would believe that this virus was natural in occurrence, when the Wuhan Institute of Virology, who studies coronaviruses in bats was only a short distance away from the wet market where this was discovered? What are the chances? Surely it was more likely that the virus came from the lab and transferred to the wet market if anything?
In addition to the location, we also now know through released documents, that the NIH in the US through the ECO Health Alliance was funding this laboratory for gain of function research into coronavirus - what are the chances? Fauci has his greasy little mitts all over this. No wonder he worked so hard to close this down.
Both Jeffrey Sachs (chair of the Lancet commission investigating the origin) and World Health Organization (WHO) Director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus have concluded that SARS-CoV-2 was engineered in a laboratory. The Department of Energy (DOE) in a classified intelligence report has concluded that Covid-19 most likely originated with a leak from a laboratory, although this conclusion was made with “low” confidence. The FBI backed the lab leak theory with “moderate confidence” in a 2021 report.
Dr Robert Malone substack
Here’s a time line on the unfolding events (Yes it’s from Fox but I’ll back this up):
Then there’s Dr Robert Redfield, a specialist in virology, testifying to congress over the origins of COVID, he was the head of the CDC at the time of the COVID outbreak in 2020. It’s fair to say he’s an expect in all respects, at the top of the food chain to some degree.

Here is the full congressional hearing of the CDC (it’s 3 hours long)

This one’s fun and sums up the whole pandemic from Dr Fauci himself.
If you have made it to this end point, I salute you and thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading this post.
Over the few short weeks of writing this post, much has already changed. More information on the harms of the vaccine, government corruptions and excess deaths have leaked out worldwide and yet, still go unreported. The first cracks of a banking crisis have opened further and countries are moving away from using the Dollar the global reserve currency. The rate of change that we will experience in the coming years will be astonishing and turbulent.
While the clueless “majority” argue over Boris having a party in lockdown, or if men should be able to serve time in a women prison - know this, these topics are mere distractions while they take your wealth, by stealth through inflation, increased regulation under the guise of future pandemics or climate change, they erode your freedoms by sliding laws through without your knowledge and they control your future through regulations made up by unelected billionaires.
Throughout history, many good, law abiding citizens have stood by and watched while atrocities happen and people die. When war inevitably comes again, will you fight for a cause you have no clue about, or will you fight back against the established elite? Like a horse tethered to a plastic chair that does not know its own might, or the frog that fails to escape the boiling water. We do not know our own power through action. We are stronger as the many. They are the few. If we come together, we can end their tyranny. Become un-governable!
*Another censored link
Thank you.
In Part 2, we will look at: government corruption, the players behind the curtain, the global financial crisis, the climate hoax and the social credit system, which is already being rolled out in the form of carbon tax credits and 15-minute cities. Stay tuned!
A brilliant compilation of events. Bravo!
Thank you for all the hard work. I have been aware of most of this info from mid 2020, to have it archived in this way is very helpful. So much slips out of our memories.
Let’s hope that those responsible for this tragedy will be held accountable- sadly I think they won’t.